The YMCA of Madison County works to provide our members, and our community, with several options to stay fit and active. You can register online by selecting your specific location on the left then selecting your program of choice.
TheYMCA of Madison County is now accepting registrations for their annual Spring Youth Soccer season. Open to the Anderson and Pendleton public, the Youth Soccer League is excited to welcome children ages 3-13 years to join to learn the basics of the game.
“We’ve heard from the community and are excited to bring back our annual Youth Soccer League to residents of Pendleton andAnderson,” Amanda Matlock-Singer, Marketing Director at Madison County YMCA said. “We know this is a program highly valued by both parents and children and can’t wait to welcome families to Davis Park this year!”
Pendleton and Anderson Youth Soccer will combine this year into one league which will beheld at Davis Park, located at 4507 Nichol Ave., Anderson, IN. 46011. Registration rates for YMCA members and non-members will range from $50 -$105. In addition, there will be no tryouts and no team cuts.
“We also promise no benchwarmers!” Matlock-Singer said “At the YMCA we believe every child deserves the opportunity to not just learn valuable skills, but to have fun and make lasting friendships.”
Specific information for each Anderson and Pendleton YMCA Youth Soccer league includes:
Mini-Kickers – Ages 3-4 (Birth years 2021 and 2022)
- Focus on introducing players to soccer through fun games and activities, gross motor skills, and building a love for the game
- This age-based group will offer fun soccer-based games and scrimmages
- One month season starts week of April 21 and end weekend of May 17
- Member Price $50; non-Member $70 (includes one shirt)
- Parents or coaches on field with mini-kickers to teach and referee
- No goalie
- Co-ed
U6 Division – Ages 5-6 (Birth year 2019 and 2020)
- Coaches’ meetings will take place week of March 31
- Practices begin week of April 7
- First two weeks of session are practice
- Games start the week of April 21 and end Saturday, May 17
- There is 1 practice per week and 1 game per week
- Member Price $60; non-Member $90 (includes one shirt)
- Parents or coaches on field with U6 to teach and referee
- No heading or throw-ins
- No goalie
- Parent as coach = 1 child free
- Anderson University and Anderson HighSchool soccer players to demonstrate and teach skills; officiate games.
- Co-ed
U8 Division – Ages 7-8 (Birth year 2017 and 2018)
- Coaches’ meetings will take place week of March 31
- Practices begin week of April 7
- First two weeks of session are practice
- Games start the week of April 2 and end Saturday, May 17
- There is 1 practice per week and 1 game per week
- Member Price $60; non-Member $90(includes one shirt)
- No heading
- No goalie
- Parent as head coach = 1 child free
- Anderson University and Anderson High School soccer players demonstrate and teach skills; officiate scrimmages/games.
- Co-ed
U10 Division – Ages9-10 (Birth years of 2015-2016)
- Coaches’ meetings will take place week of March 31
- Practices begin week of April 7
- First two weeks of session are practice
- Games start the week of April 21 and end Saturday, May 17
- There is 1 practice per week and 1 game per week
- MemberPrice $75; non-Member $105 (includes one shirt)
- No heading
- Parent as head coach = one child free
- Anderson University and Anderson High School soccer players demonstrate and teach skills; officiate games.
- Co-ed
U12 Division –Ages 11-12 (Birth years of 2013-2014)
- Coaches’ meetings will take place week of March 31
- Practices begin week of April 7
- First two weeks of session are practice
- Games start the week of April 21 and end Saturday, May 17
- Member Price $75; non-Member $105 (includes one shirt)
- No heading
- Parent as head coach = one child free
- Anderson University and Anderson High School soccer players demonstrate and teach skills; officiate games.
- Co-ed
U14 Division (Birth years of 2011-2012)
- Coaches’ meetings will take place week of March 31, 2025
- Practices begin week of April 7, 2025
- First two weeks of session are practice
- Games start the week of April 21,2025, with the season concluding on Saturday, May 17, 2025.
- There is 1 practice per week and 1game per week
- U12:Member Price $75; non-Member $105 (includes one shirt)
- Practices will take place during week, with 1 game on Saturday.
- Referees are experienced high school or collegiate soccer players
- No heading
- 11v11
- Parent as head coach = one child free
- Anderson University and Anderson High School soccer players demonstrate and teach skills; officiate games.
- Co-ed
A theatrical art form using dancing, moving, and scenery to convey a story, theme or atmosphere. One of the oldest forms of dance, it's popularity remains strong. Ballet teaches flexibility and discipline as well as poise, confidence, good posture & grace.
Instructor will review this information with particpants. Dance shoes and leotard or other dance specific clothing is optional. Please bring child in something that is comfortable and allows your child to move freely.
Registration now open for the Spring Soccer League. Late registration begins April 1st. Games begin Saturday, April 13th. Session runs from April 13 - May 25th.
3-4 Coed League
This is an introduction to soccer and sports socialization. Children play on a field appropriate for their age with no goalie. Teams practice for 20-30 minutes before each game and a size 3 ball is used. Coaches officiate while teaching children during the course of games. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
5-7 Coed League
Children in this division start to learn many of the rules of soccer. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. Children learn throw-ins and corner kicks, along with a modified goal kick. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. The official(s) take an active role in coaching as well as enforcing the rules. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
8-10 Coed League
Emphasis is placed on skill development and learning the rules of the game. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
11-14 Coed League
This division continues to emphasize skill development and the importance of teamwork.Teams practice one night a week for one hour. Theyplay on a field appropriate for their age and use a size 5 ball. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
At the Y's Spring Break Camp, children have the chance to participate in themed games, stir up imaginations, get plenty of exercise and make new friends. Campers have fun just being a kid in a safe and enriching environment. For multiple camper pricing you must register all 2 or 3 at the same time.
Before and after care available for all campers. Before Care drop off is 6:30-9am . After Care pick up is between 5-6pm. Fee covers all 5 days and for am & pm. Price covers both before & after and for the entirety of the week.
Week 1 - March 19-23
Week 2 - March 26-30
Tee off for a great cause! Shotgun start at 1:30pm at Grandview Golf Course here in Anderson.
1:00pm: Lunch Starts
1:30pm: Shotgun/Scramble Start
After Play: Awards
EnhanceFitness is an evidence-based group exercise program for older adults that uses simple, easy-to-learn movements that motivate individuals (particularly those with arthritis) to stay active throughout their life. Each class session includes cardiovascular, strength training, balance, and flexibility exercises and the fostering of strong social relationships between participants.
What better way to spend Winter Break than at the Anderson Y? Fun and excitement awaits at the Anderson YMCA!
*Please make sure to pack a lunch for your child.
Camp: 9am-5pm M-F
Before Care: 6:30-9am
Aftercare: 5-6pm
**For 2 and 3 child registrations you must register all children at the same time.
Please note, there will be no camp on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day.
Alexandria Elementary & *Alexandria Intermediate (Intermediate students bused to Alexandria Elementary)
Additional School Sites:
Anderson Elementary, Edgewood, Erskine, **Eastside, Killbuck, Southview, Tenth Street, Valley Grove, Anderson Preparatory Academy (PM Only), Holy Cross North (formerly St. Mary’s) (PM Only) ***Holy Cross South (Formerly Ambrose) (PM Only)
*Aftercare pickup for Alexandria Intermediate will be at the Alexandria Elementary School.
**Eastside before & after school for 1st - 2nd grade offered for the full school year. 3rd - 5th grade until August 13th. After August 13th 3rd - 5th Afterschool portion is in conjunction with 21st Century Eastside Afterschool Program. Registration for the 21st Century Afterschool Program is through Anderson Community Schools.
***Holy Cross South students are bused to Holy Cross North which is were pickup will take place.
In order for your child to be enrolled in the program, the following will need to be met:
1. A parent or guardian must complete and sign the necessary registration form for each child enrolling in the program.
This registration form can be found on the YMCA website at or at the Anderson or Elwood Family YMCA membership desk.
2. A non-refundable registration fee of $30 must be paid for each child enrolled.
3. Once all of the above have been met, your child may attend YMCA Kidscape!
We will never turn a child or family away due to their inability to pay! If you are need of financial assistance please fill out our Opendoors (Financial Assistance packet) & return to the YMCA front desk or fax to: Attn - Membership Director @ 765.644.4359. The membership director will be in contact within a few days of receiving.
After completion of this training you will be certified through ASHI. There will be an online portion and a 3 hour in class session on the registration dates below.
Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Let one of our nationally certified personal trainers scale a program for you and get you the results you are looking for. Once you register for your package a personal trainer will contact you to schedule your free assessment.
2 person and Group Personal Training options also available. Contact Rachel Stayton at for more information.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a marial art, combat sport system that focuses on grappling. It has become one of the fastest growing martial arts and sports worldwides. Come train with Andrew Newkirk & Nikeao Training Systems! Youth, Adult and Family options available. Lessons are 1- hour in length.
Must fill out facility agreement and return to front desk with payment in order to reserve date. Birthday Rentals are for 2 hours in length.
Have your child's birthday party at the Y! Let Y staff help plan your child's big day! Parties include complete set up and clean up; decorations including streamers, table top decorations and all paper goods. Payment is required at time of registration and cancellations are subject to a 50% cancellation fee.
Contact Andrea Mabee, Membership Director, at with additional questions, available dates and the birthday party agreement.
Get Away While The Kids Play!Drop your kids off for a night of fun! Children will participate in a variety of fun activities during their time at the Y. Pizza will be provided! Parents, enjoy some well deserved time to yourself.
The YMCA is running a Y to Y challenge to see who can get the healthiest in just 2 months! Not only will you be working with a certified personal trainer, but you will receive a great discount on this 2 month package.
8 sessions total.
Highest percent weight loss wins a gym bag full of gear!
Please join us for self defense training at the Anderson Family Y! Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor, Andrew Newkirk, with over 23 years of teaching and training, will lead you through his "Escape to Gain Safety" program. Over the course of this seminar, you will be trained how to react and defend yourself in 4 different and common scenarios! This Seminar is FREE!
Must confirm your spot by registering using the link below. Spots limited to 15.
The best part about camp is that youth will have the opportunity to make new friends and take part in new activities that will help stimulate a healthy lifestyle, instill self-confidence, and inspire leadership. Children will be encouraged to have fun, be active, and let’s face it, it’s camp and they are bound to get a little dirty. So put on your tennis shoes, grab your snack and let’s have some fun!
Additional information
•If you need financial assistance, please complete this form and bring it into your local Y
•Your child will not be enrolled in camp until we receive the following:
•Signed registration packet
•Received or scheduled payment
To begin the registration process
•You must be a YMCA program or facility member to register your child for camp. There is no cost to become a program member. Facility members receive a discount of up to $40 per week
•After you have become a member, please create an online account so that you can register for camp.
Questions? Please contact Greg Beck, Sr. Program Director at (765) 644-7796 or at
Traditional Summer Camp (9am-5PM)
Give your child a full day camp experience this summer!
Week 1 - Aloha Summer (June 4-8)
Week 2 - Color Wars (June 11-15)
Week 3 - Animation Domination (June 18-22)
Week 4 - Sports Extravaganza (June 25-29)
Week 5 - Stars & Stripes (July 2-6) (No camp on July 4th)
Week 6 - Blast from the Past (July 9-13)
Week 7 - Disney (July 16-20)
Week 8 - Water Works (July 23-27)
Week 9 - Last Blast Summer (July 30-Aug 3)
Specialty Summer Camp (9am-12pm)
Let your children grow in their areas of interest! Specialty campers receive 50% off specialty camp if registered for traditional and specialty camp in the same week.
Before and Aftercare
Before and after camp available for all campers. Before Care drop off is 6:30-9am . After Care pick up is between 5-8pm M-Thursday and 5-7pm on Friday. Fee covers all 5 days and for am & pm. Price covers both before & after and for the entirety of the week.
What better way to spend Fall Break than at the Anderson Y? Fun and excitement awaits at the Anderson YMCA!
*Please make sure to pack a lunch for your child.
Camp: 9am-5pm M-F
Before Care: 6:30-9am
Aftercare: 5-6pm
**For 2 and 3 child registrations you must register all children at the same time.
Sign your child(ren) up for soccer today! Early registration deadline is September 30th. There will be a $15 late fee per child beginning October 1st.Most Games will be on Saturdays at the Anderson YMCA. Games begin October 27th and end on December 8th.
Registration now open for the Fall Soccer League. Late registration September 1 - September 21st. Games begin Saturday, September 15th. Session runs from September 15 - October 20th.
3-4 Coed League
This is an introduction to soccer and sports socialization. Children play on a field appropriate for their age with no goalie. Teams practice for 20-30 minutes before each game and a size 3 ball is used. Coaches officiate while teaching children during the course of games. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
5-7 Coed League
Children in this division start to learn many of the rules of soccer. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. Children learn throw-ins and corner kicks, along with a modified goal kick. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. The official(s) take an active role in coaching as well as enforcing the rules. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
8-10 Coed League
Emphasis is placed on skill development and learning the rules of the game. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
11-14 Coed League
This division continues to emphasize skill development and the importance of teamwork.Teams practice one night a week for one hour. Theyplay on a field appropriate for their age and use a size 5 ball. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
Come join the fun this fall! Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long. Ages 3-4 - teams practice for 20-30 minutes before each game. Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes. Season runs from April 13 to May 25th. Registration open February 18 to March 31st. Registrations April 1 and after will incur a $15 late registration. For more information and registration click on the correct link below.
Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 3-4 Coed
Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 5-7 Coed
Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 8-10 Coed
Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 11-14 Coed
Late Registration - Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 3-4 Coed
Late Registration - Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 5-7 Coed
Late Registration - Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 8-10 Coed
Late Registration - Elwood Youth Soccer - Ages 11-14 Coed
Boys and girls ages 8-13 are able to learn the fundamentals of volleyball in a fun and friendly environment. Participants will be placed on teams and practice 1x on a weeknight and play games on Saturday mornings. Season runs from April 13 to May 18th. Registration open February 8 to April 1st. Registrations April 2 and after will incur a $15 late registration. For more information and registration click on the correct link below.
***In the event of low registration, this program will turn into a clinic- where participants will meet 1x week to learn and practice the fundamentals of volleyball and scrimmage for the last half of the session.
Late Registration - 2019 Spring Volleyball
Participants meet weekly to practice and learn the fundamentals of Cheer. Participants will learn choreographed cheers as well as basic stunts. Season runs from April 17 to May 22nd. Registration opens February 18 to April 3rd. Registrations April 4th and after will incur a $15 late registration. For more information and registration click on the correct link below.
Children & Adults ranging from ages 4-and up are able to participate in this program and work through the process of marital arts- working to earn belts along the way. First session will begin March 11th. Spots are limited per session so sign up today!
Martial Arts - 03/11/19 - 05/03/19
Martial Arts - 05/06/19 - 06/28/19
Martial Arts - 07/01/19 - 08/23/19
Martial Arts - 08/26/19 - 10/18/19
Martial Arts - 10/21/19 - 12/13/19
Zumbini is an early childhood development program focused on movement and music for children ages 0 to 4 years, to attend with their music-loving (Zumba loving!) caregiver(s). It is child appropriate, grown-up friendly, and of course, full of the "Zumba" flavor. Session runs Saturdays March 2 -May 18th.
Spots are limited per session so sign up today!
Zumbini Registration - Fee covers both Parent & Child
Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Let one of our nationally certified personal trainers scale a program for you and get you the results you are looking for.
2019 Packages
EnhanceFitness is an evidence-based group exercise program for older adults that uses simple, easy-to-learn movements that motivate individuals (particularly those with arthritis) to stay active throughout their life. Each class session includes cardiovascular, strength training, balance, and flexibility exercises and the fostering of strong social relationships between participants.
For boys and girls in grades pre-K (age 3+) through grade 5. This coed league is designed for players to learn the basic skills and rule of the game with an emphasis on developing overall skills and having fun during games.
Late Registration begins January 19th
Games: Saturdays beginning February 2nd - March 9th
What better way to spend Winter Break than at the Elwood Y? Fun and excitement awaits at the Anderson YMCA!
*Please make sure to pack a lunch for your child.
Camp: 9am-5pm M-F
Before Care: 6:30-9am
Aftercare: 5-6pm
**For 2 and 3 child registrations you must register all children at the same time.
Please note, there will be no camp on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day.
Flex Your Skills! If you like gymnastics and cheerleading then this is the program for you! Cheernastics is a combination of gymnastics, tumbling & cheer for children 3-12. Practices will be held on Wednesdays for 6 weeks.
Classes begin Wednesday October 3rd.
Ready. Set. Spike! Hit the net with the folks who invented the game - the Y. Our Youth Volleyball program emphasizes teaching the values of good sportsmanship, teamwork, goal setting and skill development in a fun, esteem-promoting atmosphere. Children will have the opportunity to learn the basic volleyball fundamentals such as underhand serving, setting, hitting and digging in a fun atmosphere.
Session runs from 10-27 through 12-01
Ages: 6-14
**All swim lessons take place at the Elwood Jr./Sr. High School Swimming Pool.
This pool pass is valid upon purchase and gives you access to utilize the Elwood Jr. Sr. High School for Open Swim times. Pool Pass must be present on you and current upon entering pool area. Must be 18 or older to purchase pool pass. 13-18 must have pool pass but be accompanied by adult at all times.If purchasing pool pass online please bring receipt to pool manager or lifeguard on duty during open swim times to receive pool pass.Open Swim's will have a lifeguard present and be available from 5-7pm M & Thursdays. This service is free for any YMCA of Madison County member. Non-Members must have either a 1, 3 or 6 month pool pass. Pool pass not needed if enrolled in swim lessons and for the time period of swim lessons. Spectators of swim lessons do not need a pool pass.
Individual swim lessons for adults and youth both.
Private Lessons:
Swim lessons offer individualized attention for each student. Participants will receive eight forty five minute lessons customized by skill level and goals.
Semi- Private Lessons:
These lessons allow two or more participants of similar skill level and age to learn together. Participants will receive eight forty five minute lessons with flexible scheduling that can be customized to your goals and needs. You must select the other individual and both must register prior to lesson 1. Price is per individual.
The YMCA is running a Y to Y challenge to see who can get the healthiest in just 2 months! Not only will you be working with a certified personal trainer, but you will receive a great discount on this 2 month package.
8 sessions total.
Highest percent weight loss wins a gym bag full of gear!
Practice will be taught by coach Amanda Wingrove
Club begins June 4 - July 26th (No swim on July 4th)
Monday - Thursday - 8-10am
Ages 6-18 years old
Financial Assistance Available - Recieve an Opendoor Packet online or from the YMCA front desk.
The best part about camp is that youth will have the opportunity to make new friends and take part in new activities that will help stimulate a healthy lifestyle, instill self-confidence, and inspire leadership. Children will be encouraged to have fun, be active, and let’s face it, it’s camp and they are bound to get a little dirty. So put on your tennis shoes, grab your snack and let’s have some fun!
Additional information
•If you need financial assistance, please complete this form and bring it into your local Y
•Your child will not be enrolled in camp until we receive the following:
•Signed registration packet
•Received or scheduled payment
To begin the registration process
•You must be a YMCA program or facility member to register your child for camp. There is no cost to become a program member. Facility members receive a discount of up to $40 per week
•After you have become a member, please create an online account so that you can register for camp.
Questions? Please contact Greg Beck, Sr. Program Director at (765) 644-7796 or at
Traditional Summer Camp (9am-5PM)
Give your child a full day camp experience this summer!
Week 1 - Aloha Summer (June 4-8)
Week 2 - Color Wars (June 11-15)
Week 3 - Animation Domination (June 18-22)
Week 4 - Sports Extravaganza (June 25-29)
Week 5 - Stars & Stripes (July 2-6) (No camp on July 4th)
Week 6 - Blast from the Past (July 9-13)
Week 7 - Disney (July 16-20)
Week 8 - Water Works (July 23-27)
Week 9 - Around the World (July 30-Aug 3)
Week 10 - Knights & Princesses (Aug 6-Aug 10)
Week 11 - Last Blast Summer (Aug 13-17)
Specialty Summer Camp (9am-12pm)
Let your children grow in their areas of interest! Specialty campers receive 50% off specialty camp if registered for traditional and specialty camp in the same week.
Before and Aftercare
Before and after camp available for all campers. Before Care drop off is 6:30-9am . After Care pick up is between 5-6pm M-Friday. Fee covers all 5 days and for am & pm. Price covers both before & after and for the entirety of the week.
What better way to spend Fall Break than at the Elwood Y? Fun and excitement awaits at the Elwood YMCA!
*Please make sure to pack a lunch for your child.
Camp: 9am-5pm M-F
Before Care: 7-9am
Aftercare: 5-6pm
**For 2 and 3 child registrations you must register all children at the same time.
Come join the fun this fall! Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long. Ages 3-4 - teams practice for 20-30 minutes before each game. Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes. Season suns from 9-15 to 10-20. Registration open 7-16 to 9-1. 9-2 and after late registration. For more information and registration click on the correct link below.
Registration now open for the Spring Soccer League. Late registration begins March 26 - April 19. Games begin Saturday, April 13th. Session runs from April 13 - May 18th. Games take place at Pendleton Christian Church.
3-4 Coed League
This is an introduction to soccer and sports socialization. Children play on a field appropriate for their age with no goalie. Teams practice for 20-30 minutes before each game and a size 3 ball is used. Coaches officiate while teaching children during the course of games. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
5-7 Coed League
Children in this division start to learn many of the rules of soccer. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. Children learn throw-ins and corner kicks, along with a modified goal kick. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. The official(s) take an active role in coaching as well as enforcing the rules. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
8-10 Coed League
Emphasis is placed on skill development and learning the rules of the game. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
Late Registration 3-4 Coed League
Late Registration 5-7 Coed League
Late Registration 8-10 Coed League
Beginner Ballet is a combination of a creative movement and a beginner ballet class. Young dancers will learn basic steps and positions of ballet, while also being active in moving creatively, with different props and activities.
Ballet II is for students who are old enough to learn ballet quickly, and/or who have had at least a year of learning the ballet basic steps and positions. Dancers will then begin to add to their knowledge of ballet steps and positions and learn ballet in a more progressive and cumulative manner.
Registration deadline March 1st or until class is full. Classes begin February 19th.
Saturday, March 9, 2019 at 9am
Shuffle over to the Pendleton YMCA on March 9th for fun the whole family can enjoy! Did you know that in 2018, the YMCA financially assisted over $40,000 for youth in Summer Camp? All of the proceeds from this event will go directly to financially assisting youth to attend the YMCA’s summer camp program offerings. Prizes will be given to the top male and female finisher in each age group. All registrations by February 28th are guaranteed an official race shirt, registrations after this deadline are not guaranteed a shirt. Strollers are welcome and this event is free to children 5 years and younger.
Come dressed for the occasion! Prizes will be awarded to the best dressed male and females for adults and children after the race!
$30 Early Registration* *through March 1st.
$40 Late Registration* *March 2nd to Race Day
Early Packet Pick up:
Friday, March 8th
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Race Day: Saturday, March 9th
Packet Pick up: Opens at 7:30am
Day of Registration: 7:30am - 8:30am
Register Now!
The Pendleton YMCA is organizing a winter session for girls only to improve their basketball skills. This is a 6-week session for girls in grades K through 8th to work on ball handling and shooting skills. They will also spend time learning offensive and defensive concepts. Controlled scrimmages will be played with emphasis on the skills or concepts learned. The program will be led by Andy Klepfer who has coached girls' basketball at Pendleton Heights Middle School for more than 15 years. Age groups may be modified according to number of players registered. Additional information will be provided during fall session. Evaluations will be Monday, Jan. 7 with practices beginning Jan 8. Each age group will be notified of day, time and location. Games begin Jan. 19 and end March 2.
Fall Session
The Pendleton YMCA is organizing it's youth basketball league for boys and girls in pre-K through 6th grade. There will be a fall and winter session. The fall session is designed for the recreation player but with increasing competition in the older age groups. The winter session is designed for the player interested in more competition.
*2 & 3 player registration options are for families (Both children must be registered at the same time and must all live under the same household.)
Evaluations will be on Monday Oct. 15 or Tuesday Oct. 16. Practices begin Oct. 22 or 23. Each age group will be notified of day, time & location. Games begin Nov. 3 and end Dec. 15.
Winter Session
The Pendleton YMCA is organizing it's youth basketball league for boys and girls in Kindergarten through 8th grade. The winter session is designed for the player interested in more competition. Age groups may be modified according to number of players registered. Additional information will be provided during Fall Session.
*2 & 3 player registration options are for families (Both children must be registered at the same time and must all live under the same household.)
Evaluations will be Monday, Jan. 7 with practices beginning Jan. 8. Each age group will be notified of day, time and location. Games begin Jan. 19 and end March 2nd.
The Pendleton YMCA is organizing a Middle School Basketball league for boys in grades 6, 7 & 8. There will be 1 practice and 1 game per week. All practices & games will be played at schools within the South Madison School District. *All players must live under the same household. Age groups may be modified according to number of players registered. Additional information will be provided during Fall Session. Evaluations will be Monday, Jan. 7 with practices beginning Jan. 8. Each age group will be notified of day, time and location. Games begin Jan. 19 and end March 2nd.
EnhanceFitness is an evidence-based group exercise program for older adults that uses simple, easy-to-learn movements that motivate individuals (particularly those with arthritis) to stay active throughout their life. Each class session includes cardiovascular, strength training, balance, and flexibility exercises and the fostering of strong social relationships between participants.
Class is offered Monday and Friday 9:30-10:30am and Wednesday 11:30-12:30pm
Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Let one of our nationally certified personal trainers scale a program for you and get you the results you are looking for.
2019 Packages
The best part about camp is that youth will have the opportunity to make new friends and take part in new activities that will help stimulate a healthy lifestyle, instill self-confidence, and inspire leadership. Children will be encouraged to have fun, be active, and let’s face it, it’s camp and they are bound to get a little dirty. So put on your tennis shoes, grab your snack and let’s have some fun!
Additional information
•If you need financial assistance, please complete this form and bring it into your local Y
•Your child will not be enrolled in camp until we receive the following:
•Signed registration packet
•Received or scheduled payment
To begin the registration process
•You must be a YMCA program or facility member to register your child for camp. There is no cost to become a program member. Facility members receive a discount of up to $40 per week
•After you have become a member, please create an online account so that you can register for camp.
Questions? Please contact Greg Beck, Sr. Program Director at (765) 644-7796 or at
Traditional Summer Camp (9am-5PM)
Give your child a full day camp experience this summer!
Week 1 - Aloha Summer (June 4-8)
Week 2 - Color Wars (June 11-15)
Week 3 - Animation Domination (June 18-22)
Week 4 - Sports Extravaganza (June 25-29)
Week 5 - Stars & Stripes (July 2-6) (No camp on July 4th)
Week 6 - Blast from the Past (July 9-13)
Week 7 - Disney (July 16-20)
Week 8 - Water Works (July 23-27)
Week 9 - Around the World (July 30-Aug 3)
Week 10 - Last blast Summer (Aug 6-Aug 10)
Specialty Summer Camp (1pm-4pm)
Let your children grow in their areas of interest! Specialty campers receive 50% off specialty camp if registered for traditional and specialty camp in the same week.
Before and Aftercare
Before and after camp available for all campers. Before Care drop off is 6:30-9am . After Care pick up is between 5-6pm M-Friday. Fee covers all 5 days and for am & pm. Price covers both before & after and for the entirety of the week.
Join us and over 400 racers on Thanksgiving Day morning to help support a great cause! Every year, 100% of the proceeds from the Gobble Wobble support the YMCA’s Annual Campaign, providing scholarships for membership and programs for your community. Your participation will help young people achieve their potential, empower people of all ages to lead healthier lives, and strengthen the bonds of our community throughout Madison County. What a wonderful way to get the whole family moving the morning before your Thanksgiving Day feast! Strollers are welcome, this event is free for children under 5 years old. Register today and be a hero to the community!
$30 Registration Fee / $40 Day of Registration Fee
5K route through Historic Falls Park!
Moisture-wicking race shirts guaranteed if registered by November 2nd.
Pies for first place male and female by age group!
Professional timing services!
Packet Pickup Info:
Click here to view times from 2017.
Click here to view times from 2018.
Registration now open for the Fall Soccer League. Late registration September 1 - September 21st. Games begin Saturday, September 15th. Session runs from Sepetmeber 15th - October 20th.
3-4 Coed League
This is an introduction to soccer and sports socialization. Children play on a field appropriate for their age with no goalie. Teams practice for 20-30 minutes before each game and a size 3 ball is used. Coaches officiate while teaching children during the course of games. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
5-7 Coed League
Children in this division start to learn many of the rules of soccer. Teams practice one night a week for one hour. Children learn throw-ins and corner kicks, along with a modified goal kick. They play on a field appropriate for their age with a goalie and a size 4 ball is used. The official(s) take an active role in coaching as well as enforcing the rules. Teams will practice 1 day during the week and games will be 1 hour long.Players will receive a shirt/jersey to play in. Each player will need shorts, shin guards, socks and soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
Games take place at Pendleton Christian Church.
Please join us for self defense training at the Anderson Family Y! Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor, Andrew Newkirk, with over 23 years of teaching and training, will lead you through his "Escape to Gain Safety" program. Over the course of this seminar, you will be trained how to react and defend yourself in 4 different and common scenarios! This Seminar is FREE!
Must confirm your spot by registering using the link below. Spots limited to 15.